3D scans are so versatile precisely because they can be digitally restaged at any time. This short clip, for example, was created in Blender 3D using a single light source.
This bird sculpture model was digitized by us in 2019 as part of the KunstModell exhibition at the Museum-August-Kestner and the RP-Museum Hildesheim.
The fine surface details are shown to their best advantage in the changing lighting and demonstrate the sculptor’s skill. It belongs to the late period (25-31st dynasty) and dates from 722 to 332 BC.
If you are also interested in 3D scanning and printing, please contact Formwerk 3D or contact us directly at:
interactive model
You can find an interactive model preview of the original scan at Sketchfab. I made this model, which is now five years old, for Formwerk 3D and it is therefore available via their account.