3D-scan architecture

A Church made of Pixels

Recording difficulties

A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to record a freestanding church from the Havel Region. As archaeologists, we were called to document a small area of ​​the masonry while this was restored.

After that, I took my camera and photographed the church from all possible angles and perspectives. It only took about 20 minutes.

Unfortunately, this first set of images was not useful because I had made mistakes in selecting my sites. Fortunately, I had a short time later to do in the area again and took new images. From these 150 images, the model that I’d like to introduce below was made.

The Glienicke village church stands on a vacant lot and is relatively easy to capture from all sides. The only problem is the inclusion of the tower details.

God’s house in 3D

After the images were used to create this 3D model of the entire Church. In the area of ​​the roof ridge and in some places of the tower, individual defects need to be replenished, or be revised.

Architecture recording using a 3D model

Of course, an interactive 3D model is very useful and illustrates the shape and the general structure of the church pretty well. But the real value is lying in the resulting extractable render images.

These are similar to distortion-free images for mapping architecture of damage and construction phases, suitable. This eliminates the need for expensive special lenses, also is relatively little room for photography needed. The church front, for example, does not have enough space to complete frontal shots to take pictures.

Also, there is the possibility to extract slices from the model to visualize the structure of the building on different layers.

Or to show complex areas of the building in detail.

This techniques can be of great value for investigating buildings and architektual features.

The rendered images were all created from the point cloud of the model.

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