In 2014 a massive copper hoard was found during a rescue excavation in Bavaria. It was then decided to take out two blocks for further excavation in the labs of the Bayerische Landesamt in Munich. There it was discovered that the hoard contained nearly 800 copper bars together with pottery.

Over the last 3 years we made a series of 3D Scans following the lab excavation of the blocks. These scans will be published here in a series of Videos and blog entries.
The first video shows the smaller of the two earth blocks, containing only 140 bars, in different stages of excavation.
Since July 22nd, the original finds can be viewed in the Museum Erding in Bavaria, Germany.
The partners I worked with in this project can be found here. They will also publish, or have published, some content regarding the copper hoard.
Are you interested in 3D scans, prints, reconstructions, workshops or questions?
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