
Podcast Interview – Anarchaeologist

If you like to get Information about the most recent developments in Archaeology and enjoy listening to well produced Podcasts, you have to check out the Archaeology Podcast Network. They bring you amazing content from a wide variety of different Topics and have recently started a new project there you can get involved yourself and spread…Continue readingPodcast Interview – Anarchaeologist


3D infographic urn burials

A new year and already new projects in the making. Currently, I am trying to visualize the most common Urn burials by type in a kind of infographic. Then it’s finished, it could be a useful tool to give a first overview of this type of burial from an excavators point of view. For references…Continue reading3D infographic urn burials


First own 3D Photogrammetry Workshop

new things in 2017 Fresh new tasks have already been launched in the new year. Like my first self-taught workshop on “3D Photogrammetry and Best Practices” and I have to say, despite relatively short preparation time, it was a very interesting day full of exciting questions, inspiration and great participants. The focus was on the…Continue readingFirst own 3D Photogrammetry Workshop


Early Iron – the Alaca Dagger

Iron Age in the near East Iron is still one of the most important materials and pillars of our civilization. His discovery and the first regular use as a raw material for tools, weapons, armor and building materials has led in the past to such comprehensive social changes that a complete epoch has been named…Continue readingEarly Iron – the Alaca Dagger


Cloisonné Technique Animation

making a technical animation Work in progress Since my first semester, I’m fascinated by the finds from the migration period and from the early Middle Ages. Especially the cloisonné worked objects are interesting from an esthetical point as well as a technical. This is why I would like to make an animation of such an…Continue readingCloisonné Technique Animation

reconstruction short

SHORT Post – 3D Hercules club amulet

During my studies at the Freie Universität I spent much time with the so-called Hercules clubs. The aim was to write a paper about roman club amulets and their maybe germanic bone/antler derivatives. This is now the beginning of a series of articles about amulets and the possibilities of visualizing single finds as well as…Continue readingSHORT Post – 3D Hercules club amulet

3D print 3D-scan

Pottery reconstruction – 3D printing

tl;dr: Reprinting fragmented objects can open various great possibilities for science, education, and museums. Especially the details of modern full-color printer could create very realistic looking replicas without endangering the fragile originals. The following 3D printed archaeological find, was made possible through Formwerk3D. Pottery finds from settlements Ceramic objects from settlements are normally very fragmented.…Continue readingPottery reconstruction – 3D printing


Tombstone from the garden graveyard

Every day I cycle past a beautiful cemetery with a small church in Hanover. For a long time I have been thinking about digitizing these stones, some of which are beautiful. In addition to simple upright stones, artistic grave monuments will also appear in this series. This is now the first gravestone in this cemetery.…Continue readingTombstone from the garden graveyard

3D print 3D-scan architecture

Missing parts replaced by 3D printing I

opening remarks The following article deals with a special application of 3D printing. The project described here was realized by the company Formwerk3D, for which I now work. When parts are missing Some time ago, we were contacted by the owner of a beautiful old building with an interesting request. The old building in question…Continue readingMissing parts replaced by 3D printing I


Master Thesis – photogrammetry as a method for archaeological find documentation

After some back and forth, I have finally managed to finish my Master’s thesis. Actually, this blog was only supposed to serve as a notepad for it. The focus of the thesis is on the applicability of modern photogrammetry methods for recording archaeological finds. In order to provide a general overview, I have tested objects…Continue readingMaster Thesis – photogrammetry as a method for archaeological find documentation