A typical day at an Excavation For several months now, I’m back working for an archaeological excavation company. We are currently working on a larger scale road construction project, on which we have to document immense areas and surfaces in a large scale. All who participated in such an excavation already know the main problem…Continue readingA 3D surface in 82 megapixels
Reconstructions in archaeology Every idea in the general public, there is about life in the past, is characterized by reconstructed images of excavated finds and features as well as historic heritage. Original finds and uncovered ruins gave an impression of the past, but only so called lifelike reconstructions give the viewer a comprehensive insight into…Continue reading3D reconstruction: neolithic house resurrected
a modern well and hoard
Tragedy at the End of WWII In the last days of WWII the owners of an butcher shop had buried their most precious tableware. Shortly after that, the hole street burned to the ground in the last sowjet ambush on the city.a few years after this incident, the rubble got removed and the street with…Continue readinga modern well and hoard