from feature to model In this year’s may, a friend of mine asked me if it would be possible to make a 3D model from one of their newly excavated features. The mentioned feature was a complex early industrial structure, that was supposed to get digitized via photogrammetry. Within seconds, I agreed, and would have…Continue readingRecording features through the web
Category: 3D-scan
This horse bone from the Iron Age shows a massive pathological alteration. More on the topic of pathologic alteration of bones and their visualization soon.Continue readingSHORT Post – pathological bone alteration in 3D
3D digitized Pottery II
One of the first published articles on this blog dealt with the possibilities of representation of digitized pottery. And as I promised a few months ago, here follows a short addendum to the visualization of fragmented vessels. Original Scan For the reconstruction of the cup supplements, I have used the scans from the original post. These are,…Continue reading3D digitized Pottery II
Information saved in bones One of the main traces of past human life and the diet of our ancestors are the written in the bones of the animals they ate. Bones are an ideal information carrier since they are well received in many soils, incurred in huge quantities and belong to the daily life. Zooarchaeologists specialized…Continue readingBones and Cuts I
A Church made of Pixels
Recording difficulties A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to record a freestanding church from the Havel Region. As archaeologists, we were called to document a small area of the masonry while this was restored. After that, I took my camera and photographed the church from all possible angles and perspectives. It only took about…Continue readingA Church made of Pixels
A 3D surface in 82 megapixels
A typical day at an Excavation For several months now, I’m back working for an archaeological excavation company. We are currently working on a larger scale road construction project, on which we have to document immense areas and surfaces in a large scale. All who participated in such an excavation already know the main problem…Continue readingA 3D surface in 82 megapixels
a modern well and hoard
Tragedy at the End of WWII In the last days of WWII the owners of an butcher shop had buried their most precious tableware. Shortly after that, the hole street burned to the ground in the last sowjet ambush on the city.a few years after this incident, the rubble got removed and the street with…Continue readinga modern well and hoard