3D print 3D-scan short

SHORT Post – Widow Bollmann and her Tritons in 3D

Preview article on the progress of the 3D scan of the widow Bollmann (Galatea) and her tritons from Brandenburg Havel.Continue readingSHORT Post – Widow Bollmann and her Tritons in 3D

3D-scan excavation

Block salvage as 3D scans I

Some block salvages of the last years are presented in these posts and their further processing into new visualizations is examined.Continue readingBlock salvage as 3D scans I

3D print 3D-scan

Nativity figurines for 3D printing

UPDATE: The figurines received a remaster! History of Nativity scenes The first evidence of a reenactment of the birth of Jesus and the surrounding events can be found in Greccio in 1223 by Francis of Assisi. For the first time, instead of preaching, he used humans and living animals to imitate the biblical traditions. Subsequently,…Continue readingNativity figurines for 3D printing

3D-scan short

SHORT Post – a lion in the List, Hannover

These are the results of a short test scan. The object is a lion’s head as part of the decoration of a building. The head itself has a diameter of 5 cm and is made of brass. This 3D object is based on 39 images taken on a cloudy day with an iPhone SE. The…Continue readingSHORT Post – a lion in the List, Hannover

3D-scan forensics

Traces of Bronze Age needle making in 3D

Bones are processed in various steps into artifacts and tools. Frequently, unfinished or semifinished pieces of raw material can be found in archaeological assemblages. These semifinished products often have characteristic traces of processing, from which conclusions can be drawn on related finished products. A particularly typical form were metatarsus needed for needle production. The Metatarsus…Continue readingTraces of Bronze Age needle making in 3D

3D-scan Fossils short

SHORT Post – fossils in 3D

Last week, I finally started using my automatic photogrammetry Rig, and scanned the first test objects. Right now, the rig is placed at my employers’ office, so the first scans are published by Formwerk 3D. Using this rig, we can get the needed pictures for 3D photogrammetry models in a clean and sharp quality in…Continue readingSHORT Post – fossils in 3D

3D print 3D-scan

3D-Print nativity figurines – I

The figurines received a remaster The first two figures from a set of nativity figures. The figures are about 7 cm high and are made of painted plaster, covered with clear varnish. The scan was done via photogrammetry, and the rendering was done using Blender. Mary Shephard The missing 12 figures should be scanned by…Continue reading3D-Print nativity figurines – I

3D-scan short

SHORT Post – preview 3D Plana

At the beginning of this blog, I wrote an article about the capabilities and possibilities of 3D photogrammetry documentations for large areas. The Excavation I choose as an example is now finished, and I can start to write some articles. But this may take some time, so here are is a little preview: The pictures above…Continue readingSHORT Post – preview 3D Plana

3D print 3D-scan

Brandenburger Roland in 3D

3 Years ago, I took a series of photos for a 3D model of the Brandenburg Roland. Sadly, these were not enough to build a watertight model. One week ago, my brother had the opportunity to re-shoot the statue and send me the pictures I needed to complete the model via mail. The statues of…Continue readingBrandenburger Roland in 3D

3D-scan tutorial

Visualization and analysis of traces of use

3D capture of a Neolithic axe Today I would like to talk about signs of wear and damage on archaeological finds. I have chosen a Neolithic polished rock axe as an example object. It comes from the central university collection of the Free University of Berlin and was originally picked up in preparation for my…Continue readingVisualization and analysis of traces of use